Saturday 18 November 2017

Question answer in Robinson Crusoe novel

I have given task by my teacher to answer some question on novel and movie Robinson Crusoe here I give link of that task.


Robinson crusoe is 18th century novel by daniel defoe. It was published in 1719. It is an adventure story of character Robinsn crusoe. The real life adventure of Alexander selkirk who was a scottish privatees and royal navy officer who spent more than four years as a casteway after being marooned by his captain on an uninhabited island in the south pacific ocean. This real life adventure formed the basis of daniel defoe's novel Robinson crusoe.

1) Colonial discourse in Robinson crusoe

This novel is full of slavery system or colonialism which is very dark side of history and we never want it to heppen again but in this novel we can see it clearly.
According to wikipedia "Colonialism occurs when a country or a nation, or territories outside of its border(boundaries of the country) by turning those other lands, regions or territories in to a colony, usually it is a more powerful, richer country that takes control of a smaller, less powerful region or territory.

In this novel the first event of slavery or colonisation we can see when crusoe is travelling moorish pirates atteck on ship and enslaved crusoe and others after some period of time crusoe and one boy named xury escaped from the trap of moorish pirates and picked up by portugese captain, though crusoe feel the slavery then even he sold that boy named xury to make himself free. In Brazil he started his business and again he go for buy slaves and there is shipwrecked and he landed on humanless island and starting feel himself as king of that island. He is all alone there and in aloofness all we want is someone with we can talk normaly and on that humanless island he saved one boy who is prey of cannibals and make him slave rather then friend, the first thing he do is naming that boy as Friday which shows his power as master and he called Friday "my man Friday". After coming back home again he once again go to visit that humanless island and he used the word "my land". From all this elements we can clearly see the colonial discourse in this novel.

2) How colonialism works in our life? (In contemporary time/ of our surrounding, give examples)

It is true that now we are free and we love our feeling of freedom but are you seriously free or stil ruled by britishers? I say that we are stil ruled by western countries. How? Let me show you. Can you do one thing for me... Imagine a very beautiful or handsome person front of you and you are talking with him or her and praising his or her beauty....
What is in your imagination? Let me guess a very handsome or beautiful person who has white skin. Am I right? Well I can say yes because most of us think that beauty means white we can not think beauty in black. This is what shows that we are stil colonised. We are living in india and as dilip sir says that our god Krishna is black our godess Kali Ma is black we worship black, black is accept in our society and this is what our culture then even most of people craving for whiteness. Why? You are not able to see your self beautiful in real or natural skin color that you got. This is the reasons all buys fairness creams. This is the effect of colonisation which is not physicaly now but it is mentaly. Our mind is ruled by western ideas. This is how colonialism works in our life.

3) Do you think that movie is different than original novel? Write about some changes done in the movie.

Yes, movie is different than novel in many ways..
• The movie is only focused on one voyage while in novel before landing on humanless island Crusoe also does voyage to London and Brazil.
• In movie Crusoe has Dog as pet while in original novel Crusoe has Perrot and Goat as pet.
• In movie Friday is not slave while in novel we can see the totle submission of Friday.
• In movie Friday has his own voice when Crusoe shows the power of gun Friday did not afraid and he also show his power with wood while in novel when Crusoe shows power of gun Friday starts worshiping gun and Crusoe.
• In movie when Crusoe talks about religion Friday also talk about his God and riligion and did not accept Christianity as superior then his riligion while in novel Friday starts belive that his religion is inferior and starts beliveing in Christianity.
• In movie the relation between Crusoe and Friday is of friends while in novel Crusoe is master and Friday is slave.
• In movie Crusoe needs Friday that is the reason Crusoe goes to say sorry to Friday while in novel Friday needs Crusoe he apologise.
• In movie there is one image of Crusoe's wife while in novel there is no discription of love for his wife.

This all the way where movie is quite different then the original novel.

4) Do you think, movie is describing anti-colonial elements? Can you describe reason?

Yes movie is describing anti-colonial elements like there is no master-slave relationship. From the very first meeting of Cruso and Friday, Crusoe request to become friends they both are friends not master and slave. In novel Friday is totally submited to Crusoe but in movie Friday has his own voise he argues and he questions also. In movie Crusoe never think himself as king of that humanless island and he also feel bad about slavery system when Friday talk about it and he also cries a lot on the death of Friday which shows his feelings for Friday. The reason can be the change of time that movie is showing anti-colonial elements. The original novel is written in 1719 while the movie is in 1997 and changing of time is reason that movie shows anti-colonial elements.

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