Monday 3 December 2018

Interpretation of Robert Frost's 'Design' poem

Thia blog is a part of our thinking activity given by a teacher (Dept. of Eng. MKBU).

'Design' by Robert Frost (1922)

'I found a dimpled spider, fat and white,

On a white heal-all, holding up a moth

Like a white piece of rigid satin cloth--

Assorted characters of death and blight

Mixed ready to begin the morning right,

Like the ingredients of a witches' broth-

A snow-drop spider, a flower like a froth,

And dead wings carried like a paper kite.'

'What had that flower to do with being white,

The wayside blue and innocent heal-all?

What brought the kindred spider to that height,

Then steered the white moth thither in the night?

What but design of darkness to appall?-

If design govern in a thing so small.'

In Frost's first stanza, which is a group of lines in a poem, the speaker opens by describing a white spider hunting a white moth on a heal-all. The heal-all is a flower with medicinal properties. The flower holds the moth, but nothing can stop the dark forces of nature, or in this case, the hungry spider. When the speaker mentions the witches' broth, Frost implies that darkness lurks everywhere. Humanity, according to Frost, is as unprotected as the moth on a flower and as dangerous as the spider.

Role of Teacher and Lerner.

This blog is a part of our thinking activity given by a teacher (Dept. of Eng. MKBU).

Role of a teacher

Teachers play vital roles in the lives of the students in their classrooms. Teachers are best known for the role of educating the students that are placed in their care. Beyond that, teachers serve many other roles in the classroom. Teachers set the tone of their classrooms, build a warm environment, mentor and nurture students, become role models, and listen and look for signs of trouble.

Teaching Knowledge

The most common role a teacher plays in the classroom is to teach knowledge to children. Teachers are given a curriculum they must follow that meets state guidelines. This curriculum is followed by the teacher so that throughout the year, all pertinent knowledge is dispensed to the students. Teachers teach in many ways including lectures, small group activities and hands-on learning activities.

Creating Classroom Environment

Teachers also play an important role in the classroom when it comes to the environment. Students often mimic a teacher’s actions. If the teacher prepares a warm, happy environment, students are more likely to be happy. An environment set by the teacher can be either positive or negative. If students sense the teacher is angry, students may react negatively to that and therefore learning can be impaired. Teachers are responsible for the social behavior in their classrooms. This behavior is primarily a reflection of the teacher’s actions and the environment she sets.

Role Modeling

Teachers typically do not think of themselves as role models, however, inadvertently they are. Students spend a great deal of time with their teacher and therefore, the teacher becomes a role model to them. This can be a positive or negative effect depending on the teacher. Teachers are there not only to teach the children, but also to love and care for them. Teachers are typically highly respected by people in the community and therefore become a role model to students and parents.


Mentoring is a natural role taken on by teachers, whether it is intentional or not. This again can have positive or negative effects on children. Mentoring is a way a teacher encourages students to strive to be the best they can. This also includes encouraging students to enjoy learning. Part of mentoring consists of listening to students. By taking time to listen to what students say, teachers impart to students a sense of ownership in the classroom. This helps build their confidence and helps them want to be successful.

Role of Students
Student responsibility occurs when students take an active role in their learning by recognizing they are accountable for their academic success. Student responsibility is demonstrated when students make choices and take actions which lead them toward their educational goals.

Responsible students take ownership of their actions by exhibiting the following behaviors. They:

demonstrate academic integrity and honesty.
attend and participate in classes, labs, and seminars, prepared and on time.
complete the assigned work in a timely manner with attention to quality of work.
avoid making excuses for their behavior.
communicate in a careful and respectful manner with professors, peers, and other members of the college community.
are engaged learners who dedicate sufficient time outside of class to college work.
act in a civil manner that respects the college learning/social environment and complies with college policies outlined in the student constitution and college catalog.
utilize college resources and seek help when needed.
respect diverse ideas and opinions.
identify, develop, and implement a plan to achieve their educational goals.

Reflective Blog on movie screening of 'Mourning Becomes Electra'

This blog is a part of our thinking activity given by a teacher (Dept. of Eng. MKBU).

Mourning Becomes Electra

On 24th September, Our Heena Madam arranged the movie screening of 'Mourning becomes Electra', the play written by Eugene O'Neill.
The film was directed by Dudley Nicholas. The film was helped in many ways to better understanding of the play. We are thankful to ma'am, for arranged the screening. The film was very faithful to the play we can find same kind of plot, or we say there was nothing changes from the play. 

The play and the film has trilogy,
The Homecoming,
The Hunted, and
The Haunted

Revenge serves as a primary motivation for the play's actions. Seeking to revenge the death of his mother, Marie Brantome, Adam hopes to destroy the Mannon family, especially Ezra.

The Mannon family is a complex web of revenge scenarios: Christine wants revenge on her husband for her unhappy marriage; Lavinia wants revenge on her mother for killing her father; Orin wants revenge on Brant for sleeping with his mother.

Paradise is an obsession for many of the play's characters. As a seafaring family, early generations of Mannons had sailed to beautiful South Pacific isles. Orin wants to run away with his mother Christine—an attempt to escape societal norms so that he can sleep with his mother. Christine wants to go with her lover, Adam.

Eventually, Orin does eventually go to the islands with his sister Lavinia. During their visit, she has sex with one of the islanders. In O'Neill's play, the island paradise—offering erotic possibilities and freedom from materialism—becomes a symbol of all that New England society is not.


Incest and incestuous desire lie behind most of the relationships central to Mourning Becomes Electra. Ezra's daughter Lavinia loves her father; Christine's son Orin loves his mother, and Lavinia and Orin love each other.

Breath (play) : Interpretation Chellange.

This blog is a part of our thinking activity given by a teacher (Dept. of Eng. MKBU). Click here to know more.

This type of video is very short play about 30 second  duration. It seems meaningless but carries basic meaning of life it also considered as experimental play. This type of video can be interpreted in many ways. In the starting we hear the sound of Breathe that is connected with life. The play has opened with Dark to Light, Light means Birth and end it goes Light to Dark, and Dark mean Death. Nothingness is the center. We can interpret in this video nothingness in the life. Our journey start up with born and end up with death. so we can feel meaningless and nothingness in our life. At the end what we can do when our death happen nothing. We can say that the world is full of things which leads us toward nothingness, like most of things in garbage is related with hospital and technology. We can also connect hospital’s strachur, injection and medicines with Life. Today man start his/her journey at hospital, and during the journey take medicines and the end they are also in Hospital. (Post mortem, ailments) like Gujarati Bhajans ‘Jite bhi Lakdi, Marke bhi Lakdi’. It seems, nothingness of life, we all are live as a habit of routine. We have habit to breathing and wish to success in our mind has habit to think about various things so one or another we can live with our habits and follow some things which going on and it is really need to live a long life with medicine. So here existentialism theory exist in this sense of what is meaninf and purpose of our life. Its matter with our existence. We are here and born on the earth and feeling about our lives in absurdity, nothinfness and meaningless. But we can’t find the reason and also answere behind this why we are exist and for whom we live and whats aim behind this everythings.

Online Discussion on Llosa's ideas.

This blog is a part of our academic task given by a teacher (Dept. of Eng. MKBU).

Online Discussion on Llosa's ideas

Mario Vargas Llosa, the Peruvian novelist, was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature in 2010. His most recent novel is "The Neighborhood." He was interviewed for The World Post by Michael Skafidas, a journalist and professor of comparative literature at the City University of New York.

In this interview Llosa shared many ideas related to literary work in which I liked three ideas given by Llosa.

1) Idea on Feminism
2) Ideas and Images
           3) Novelist is the Historian

I personally liked the view of Llosa on feminism in which he said that feminism has become very sectarian and dogmatic kind who always stand for stupid equality. llosa also gave an example of feminists attacked  Nabokov's "Lolita" the best novel of 20th century but feminists attacked about male characters. This kind of stupidity destroy the charm of literature. I liked the idea about good and evil in literature because literature do not perfect without evil character. As a man we should respect women but it does not mean we accept everything which is the prejudice of feminist. Sometime over criticism destroyed the charm of literature.

Second is the image and ideas. In this points Llosa said that today's world young generation give the importance to image more than ideas. It is very harmful to youth that they think  images are creative for modern time but they do not think that this century is the age of Photoshop and post truth. We see in our India how Political party use fake images to make people emotional. If youth grow up in this images culture then it will be destroyed intellectual. As Ravish Kumar used to talk that (पेहले लोग आंखों में धूल जोकते थे अब ईमेज जोगते है) this kind of image make you sheeple and ideas make you intellectual.

Third one is 'Novelists is the historian of the unrecorded'.  Given sentence is very true through literature you get idea about social, political and religious background the ages. Literature record dark side of country, person etc. Here Llosa gives an example of Leo Tolstoy's greatest Novel "War and Peace" which is related to the Russian history and many writers used to wrote about historical aspect Many Novels written on Mahatma Gandhi and contemporary time for instance the novel "Kanthapura" which is record the freedom movement in India. So, this very great to read the literature which narrate the history.

Lagaan movie review.

This blog is an academic task given my a teacher (Dept. Of Eng. MKBU.) 


  We watched this movie not merely as an entertainment movie but to cultivate the habit of reading literature from beneath. So there are so many hidden points which we can ponder. 

# Rural India : The whole setting of the movie remains in the village. Which represents the actual India. Where we finds agricultural activities as their chief source of livelihood. The dialect which people uses that also represents the countryside. But the situation of the people is not good. The another interpretation comes in our mind is that after having these kinds of problems yet they lives their lives happily. 

# Patriotism :  During the whole movie we finds this quality in the people. The protagonist of the movie, Bhuvan who shows great courage for the welfare of the province and motivates other villagers to come up and rebel against the Britishers. The characters of Lakha, Deva, Arjan and Ram Singh who has worked for the Britishers but after realizing that they merely exploits them and joins the Bhuvan's group. Even women helps a lot in this rebel. Altogether they all vigorously works to get rid of from the high taxes. 

# Nationalism : What political ideology tells about nation that becomes Nationalism. They have a strong belief for the nation. When Raja Puran Singh denies to eat non-vegetarian food that shows the nationalism. The another scene comes in our mind is that when we see Captain Russell doing deer hunting that time Bhuvan tries to rescue deer. Which again portrays the national ideology because in reality the situation seems vice versa. 

# Subaltern Studies : Some how or the others all the characters represents the lower status or the theme of a  subaltern  in order to gender, caste, class, religion and etc. 

Women < Men 
Kachra  < Other 
Ismail < Other 
Villagers < Mukhya 
Mukhya < Raja 
Raja < Captain Russell 
Captain Russell < British Governor 
Spinner < Pacer
Bowling < Batting 

    Thus we can find the theme of subaltern. But through the character of Elizabeth we can say she lives an independent life. Which is lacks in Indian women in the movie. The rebel against the Britishers is initiated by the villagers which again portrays them powerful compared to Raja. So some how director has provided the voices in the characters of Kachra, Ismail, Elizabeth and in Villagers. The another interpretation comes in our mind is that spinner plays vital role in the match. 
     Yet one question arises in our mind is that Why director has shown Indians as  a first bowling side...? Or I think  we are habituated to celebrate victory by hitting six not by bowling. 

# Casteism : We can openly finds the caste system in the village. Which prevails even today in the rural India. In a movie we finds in the character of Kachra,  He considered as a untouchable by the other villagers. Most of them denies to play with him.  He lives on the periphery of the village. Where as Ishwar lives in the center of the village. 

              But here we can interpret positively. In the movie Bhuvan explains the villagers through the example of Rama - Shabri and people accepts Kachra as a team member. 

# Leadership Skills : Through this movie we can finds the leadership skills. When we see the character of Bhuvan.

Challenge as a opportunity : A leader always sees challenge as a opportunity. For him this is the beginning towards the destination. We sees these qualities in Bhuvan. He courageously accepts the challenge. He thinks differently compare to the  common man. 
Initiator : To initiate the campaign is easy but the real work starts after the initiative. For leader it becomes necessary to implement the things. And Bhuvan does it very well. He doesn't knows how to play the cricket but yet he behaves as he knows everything. 
Practice : Without practice no one can get success. So practice becomes vital before any battle. So Bhuvan starts practice with Tipu and stimulates other members for practice. 

Team Builder  : A leader must should be aware about building the team. And to win such a battle it requires more and more hands. It is not an easy task to do. Because everyone can not be the member of a team. For that a leader can show the power of unity. Another thing requires is that a leader must should posses the insight of finding the skills. A leader should be able to explain his team member why and how he can be the crucial for the team. That thing Bhuvan does very well by making Bhura, Guran, Arjan, Goli, Ishwar, and Bagha ready for the match. 

Benevolent : A true leader never thinks for his own benefits. Always becomes ready for the sacrifices. That all things we sees in the character of Bhuvan. 
- Empathetic : An empathetic leader always understands the feeling of his team member. He listens all the problems of his teammate. Here in movie Bhuvan listens the inner problems of Lakha. And gives him another chance. 
Confidence : A most powerful weapon is the self believe. If leader becomes diffidence then he invites the trouble. And we never finds Bhuvan as a diffidence. Where as captain Russell who seems an arrogant person and full of overconfidence. Which leads them towards the massive defeat.