Thursday 29 November 2018

Activity on Reading short Modern Poems

This blog is a part of Thinking Activity given by a teacher (Dept. of Eng. MKBU.) Click here to know more.

(1) The Embankment :-T.E.Hulme

Poet is recounting his past by using the words like finesse of fiddles, musical gathering and flash of
gold heels used for women star-eaten blanket is used as negative word. But now what all he need is
warmth; which he will get under the blanket of sky where he will get comfort, comfort from the
harshness of life.

(2) Darkness:- Joseph Campbell

Title itself reflects negativity. Here star is metaphor, by which poet actually means Victorian age , he
is not affected with the shine of Victorian age, he just looked at it and pass on.

(3) Image :- Edward storer

By the title of this poem may be poet wanted to present image of modern age people. White color
presents positivity but here it seems in negative sense. Other metaphor are loneliness and drought.

(4) In a station of the metro:- Ezra pound

Title itself says that its about Metro. Poet sees various faces and gives it metaphor ‘apparition’. This
means ghostly. He compares these faces to ‘petals on a wet black bough”- suggests that on the dark
subway platform, the people look like flower petal stuck on tree branch after a rainy night.

(5) The Pool:- Hilda Doolittle

speaker asking person that ‘are you alive?. Person shivers like a sea fish.
which indicates that someone is dying and presents liflessness.

(6) Insouciance:- Richard Aldington

Here poet have used metaphors like deary trnches, trudging cheerily flock of doves, white winged

(7) Moring at the window- T.S.Eliot

At first reading of this poem way feel that this poem is about everyday life. But we also can say that
this line:- ‘” tear from a passer-by with muddy skirts.”

(8) The Red Wheelbarrow – William carol Williams

This poem is difficult to understand. But f we go on by words like Barrow(stones raised over a grave)
Glazed (showing no liveliness) chicken(young man); these words indicates a young man’s death.

(9) Anecdote of the jar:- Wallace stevens.

Here in this poem metaphor is jar. And poem is about the Tennessee( a state of the united states of

(10) I(a, :- E.E.Cummings )

A falling leaf is symbol of loneliness. The word ‘fall’ symbolized in any way. Fall means death, fall of
spirituality; fall word also presents the damage caused because of world war and its effect on
Modernist literature is difficult to understand, it is absurd, there is hidden meaning, it becomes hard
to get the whole meaning of poem.

Post Viewing Task of 'Midnight's Children' and 'The Reluctant Fundamentalist'

This blog is part of our reflective Learning Activity given by a teacher (Dept. of Eng. MKBU). Click here to know more.

On 9th September 2018, we had film screening of the two films first was "Midnight's
Children"(Novel written by Salman Rushdie) directed by Deepa Mehta and second was
"The Reluctant Fundamentalist"(A Novel written by Mohsin Hamid) directed by Mira Nair.
So, our task is to give review of these films with the perspectives of The Postcolonial
Studies, so I will try to connect films with postcolonial approaches.

# Midnight’s Children :-

"Midnight's Children"a novel written by British-Indian Novelist Salman
Rushdie and filmed by Deepa Mehta. The film was very popular in foreign countries and
well criticized in India also. The film didn't cover up all the things written deeply in the
novel due to time period of the movie so it's looks like the collage of many things like
history, culture, Colonialism. freedom movement, etc.

The story of the film begun with the year of 1917, the birth year of Indira Gandhi and
end with the emergency or we can say that the last stage of Indira Gandhi's Life. The story about the
Children who were born in the stroke of the midnight 15th august 1947 with the magical power, in
which two major character like Saleem Sinai, the protagonist belong to reach family while the Shiva
who was born in poor family later joined the Army and fought in the battle with Pakistan to free

The main idea of hybridity in culture and identity we can see in the movie, as per the quote
'Let reach to be poor and poor to be reach' Saleem, actually, the son of British man William Methwold
and poor Marathian lady and the Shiva was the son of Ahemad Sinai and Amina, but, Mary, a nurse in
the hospital changed these both baby boy with each other because her lover was a Marxist and
pursued mary to protest against elite class. Furthemore, Saleem went to pakistan and Shiva Joined
Indian Army, so here we can see the partition of India and pakistan. later on, After the war, Saleem
came to India, his mother land and marry with Parvati, beloved of Shiva and she gave birth to baby
boy who was the son of Shiva so, we again see the hybridity. And also we can see the culture of India
like snake Charmer. So this way movie ended through various perspectives.
Postcolonial Point of View:-

*Hybridity:- Hybridity means Something that is formed by combining two or more
things. Here, in the movie we can see the hybridity in the identity, Saleem is the perfect
example of hybrid man, who was the son of colonizer and poor Indian lady and also the
other character, Shiva was another example of hybrid man who was the son of Muslim
parents. If we see the hybridity in culture then we can give the example of
west(Methwold) and east(Poor Indian lady) .
*Feminism:- Postcolonial theorist also studies the culture and literature with the feminist
perspective. In the beginning of the movie Doctor did not allow to examine Naseem's illness to see
her body, there was a curtain between doctor and Naseem and her father said that ,

" You Europe returned chappies forget certain things. Doctor sahib,
my daughter is a decent girl, it goes without saying. She does not flaunt her body
under the noses of strange men. You will never understand that you can not be
permitted to see her, no, no, not in any circumstances; accordingly. I have required
her to be positioned behind that sheet. She stands there, like a good girl(Rushdie

Another example is when Mumtaz, Saleem's mother got married with Ahemad Sinai, that
time Ahemad gave her new name Amina. So, we can see the power of patriarchy in the movie and
also a exploitation of poor Indian lady by Britisher Methwold.
*Magic Realism:- Magic realism also a part of postcolonial studies. Magic Realism is a
narrative style which adds beauty to the historical representation in the movie otherwise it
is boring to watch. The Midnight's Children were not ordinary kids but they have power,
like, Saleem has power of sense of smell to feeling the different things and people where
as Parvati also has power like Abrakadabra to hide people and things in the basket.

#The Reluctant Fundamentalist:-

“The Reluctant Fundamentalist” novel written by Pakistani Writer Mohsin Hamid and then
adopted in film directed by Mira Nair in 2014. The story is about the young man Changez Khan who
attracted to American Business culture. He was an intellectual and respected person in American wall
street business company.

The Story Begun with the interview of American CIA agent Bobby Lincoln for the abduction
of American Professor in Pakistan. Bob was Taking interview of Changez Khan in the Coffee cafe in
Lahor that he may be involved in this abduction or in the matter of 9/11. Here Mira Nair interestingly
used the flashback technique which was move us from Pakistan to America in eye opening way. The
title of the movie give us two different views one is that fundamentalist in terrorism and other
business fundamentalist.

Postcolonial Point of view:-

If we see this movie with the perspectives of the postcolonial studies so we have
to apply Edward said's 'Orientalism' and also apply the race theory. We can say that why
western countries and especially America looking towards Muslim countries as countries of
terrorism? It is all about the illusion of america that every Muslim are terrorist. America Know
that if we want be in power position so that we have to destroyed all Muslim countries in the
name of terrorism. One may have question like Muslim countries are more in the number then

other religion, then why they don't take action on America. But, actually, because of
obsequiousness of Pakistan and Saudi Arab others countries unable to convince that all
Muslims are not like that.

In the movie also Changez faced problem because he belong to Muslim country. All
countries and their movies show the villains almost are Muslim. They succeeded to built this kind of
stereotype in the mind of other religion's people. America only see their 3000 Americans died in this
attack but they do not see that they killed billions of Muslims in Gulf war and in Iraq, Afghanistan and
Syria wars. If world want to make peace in the earth then all have to protest against America to stop
terrorism because "America is the mother of terrorism."

Reflective Blog on the Learning in the Guest Lecture of Dr. J. H. Khan.

This Blog is part of our Reflective Learning Activity given by a teacher (Dept. of Eng. MKBU.)

Department of English, MKBU has organized guest lectures for students. We have guest
from Sardar Patel University ,Dr. Javed Hussain Khan.He is excellent in his subject.Javed sir
has come to interact ELT with semester 3 students. In his very first class he said, “I’m not
here to delivering a lectures, I’m here to interact with you.” So the full session with him is full
on liveliness.

• Interactions In class:-

In his first interaction on ELT (English Language Teaching), he talk about to
know the difference of teaching English as native language and English as a foreign
language. Both should have different needs and different ways to learn and teach. Then he
talked about ELT for primary education and English for higher education. How the level of
students differ at every level and how we still have methods of primary education level in
syllabus to learn.

Then as a core topics sir discussed English for specific purpose, English for
academic purpose and English for literary purpose. He talked about how English for specific
purpose has different fields and every field has it’s own different language. Then in English
for academic purpose he discussed essay by Liz-Hamp Lyons, major points of EAP (English
for Academic Purpose) 1) Eclectic discipline and 2) Pragmatic discipline. Then how needs
assessment is necessary in EAP and he also talks about his dissatisfaction with Liz-Hamp
and her essay. Then he talked about English for literary purpose which includes the language
of poetry, drama and novel.
• Teaching style and our experience:-

As sir interact with us and for effective interactions communication skills are
needed and sir has got the command over these communication skills. His teaching style has
his personal touch, while talking about different things he connect his experience and made
interactions lively. On the very first day he has given the word “SEEK”. He says one should
seek knowledge, and have to work by the skin of their teeth, then and then they can achieve
what they want. His presentations are full of information and he deliver this information by
using his excellent speaking skills.

These two days learning experience was good and it will definitely going to help us

in exams and also as teacher in future. As he gave one advice that “if you choose to be teacher
be a good teacher, excel in your subject otherwise many students are going to study under
your hand and if you are not good in your subject you are going to spoil the future of
students which is sin.” So we are very thankful to Javed sir to share with us his knowledge
and also to our Head of the Department Dr. Dilip Barad to invite such experts in our

Thinking Activity on 'The Birthday Party'


This thinking Activity is the part of our Classroom Activity given by teacher (Dept. of Eng. MKBU)  Click here to know more.

1.Why are two scenes of Lulu omitted from the movie?

Two scenes of Lulu if omitted from the movie then it normally has no such differences that one
can find give the particular shape to the work also writer may be prefer to include extra
things & reduce something that burden the content part of the work.another point can be there is
as i think of Lulu's personality that has no such significance to carry out the flow further with
some special effect.
As Anton Chekhov told something can relates here that if starting part is points out on The Gun
on the wall then it should be blast or resulted till the end anyhow.
It means no single word should be there that may disturb the work of art it can be connect here
where repetition omitted intentionally may be or meaningless act may keeps away from the
central focus.

2) Is movie successful in giving us the effect of menace? Where you able to feel it while reading
the text?

We can see the effect of menace in the movie, because while reading the play felt that Stanley has
a mysterious past which we are not informed about. I felt this while reading the long conversation
between McCann, Stanley and Goldberg.

3) Do you feel the effect of lurking danger while viewing the movie? Where you able to feel the
same while reading the text.

Yes, I feel the lurking danger while viewing the movie. While reading the text when the party was
going that scene particularly during that I feel lurking danger. I feel that now something will
happen. At a time I also feel that this party is never going to end.

4) What do you read in 'newspaper' in the movie? Petey is reading newspaper to Meg, it torn intopieces by McCain, pieces are hidden by Petey in last scene.

Basically newspaper is symbol of connectivity between an individual and outer world. But here in
this play it also gives the remembrance to Petey for his impotency by Meg’s insistence to him for
repeatedly reading the incident (in newspaper) regarding the fragility of a woman. Moreover, it is
torn into pieces by McCann. And in last scene his affords has been hidden by Petey. He tries to
hide the whole incident.

5) Camera is positioned over the head of McCain when he is playing Blind Man's Buff and is
positioned at the top with a view of room like a cage (trap) when Stanley is playing it. What
interpretations can you give to these positioning of camera?

while seeing the film camera talks everything.thus when camera is positioned over the head of
McCann when he is playing blind buff which demonstrates that McCann is at power position and
is situated at the top with perspective of room like trap which symbolize that Stanley is trapped
by stranger who were touching him.

6) "Pinter restored theater to its basic elements: an enclosed space and unpredictable dialogue,
where people are at the mercy of one another and pretense crumbles." Does this happen in the

Yes, it happens during McCann and Net Goldberg asking question which is meaningless and
unpredictable. The room of birth day party and kitchen cover with so many objects. Even
character don’t get enough space to move.

7) How does viewing movie help in better understanding of the play ‘The Birthday Party’ with
its typical characteristics (like painteresque, pause, silence, menace, lurking danger)?

Sometimes we are tired with nonstop dialogues at that time we have to give the rest to our mind,
so silence is necessary in the movie. Threaten of unknown presented in movie also and effects of
light, some danger, fear also puts by Harold Pinter.

8) With which of the following observations you agree:

o “It probably wasn't possible to make a satisfactory film of "The Birthday Party."
o “It's impossible to imagine a better film of Pinter's play than this sensitive, disturbing version
directed by William Friedkin”
I agree that the movie shows very well: “Pinter restored theater to its basic elements: an enclosed
space and unpredictable dialogue, where people are at the mercy of one another and pretense

9) If you were director or screenplay writer, what sort of difference would you make in the
making of movie?

If I was director I can't make any difference in the movie because everything going in a write way.

10) Who would be your choice of actors to play the role of characters?

I think the actors will be same as movie. Because the all the actors did well.

Wednesday 28 November 2018


Here is my responses to Identify 5 concept related Orientalism from the interview of Edwards Said.

1) Orientalism revolution utilized the study of the Middle East and helped to create and shape entire new field of study; such as post colonial theory as well influencing dialing as diverse as English, History, anthropology, political science and cultural studies.

2) Orientalism tries to answers the question of why, when we think of the Middle East for example, we have a preconceived notion of what kind of people live there, what they believe, how they act. Even though we may never have been there, or indeed even met anyone from there.

3) The central argument of Orientalism is that the way that we acquire this knowledge is not innocent or objective but the end result of a process that reflects certain interest.

4) Said's analysis of Orientalism isn't just description of its content but a sustained argument for why it looks the way it does. It's an examination of the quite concrete, historical and Institutional context that creates it.

5) The difference between different kinds of Orientalism is in effects the difference between experiences as of what is called the Orient. The difference between Britain and France on the hand and the United States on the other is that British and French had colonies in the Orient. They had a long-standing relationship and imperial role in a place like India, so that there's kind of an archive of actual experiences of being In India, of ruling in a country for several hundred years.

Thank you

Shashi tharoor


He is An author, politician, and former international civil servant, Shashi Tharoor straddles several worlds of experience. Currently a second-term Lok Sabha MP representing the Thiruvananthapuram constituency and Chairman of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on External Affairs, he has previously served as Minister of State for Human Resource Development and Minister of State for External Affairs in the Government of India. During his nearly three-decade long prior career at the United Nations, he served as a peacekeeper, refugee worker, and administrator at the highest levels, serving as Under-Secretary General during Kofi Annan's leadership of the organisation.

*Let's see Shashi Tharoor's view on postcolonialism...

**Once upon a time when, Britishers ruled over India for so many years. After a lots of struggle we get independence. There were thousands debates going on still now on colonial and post colonial idea.
***Shashi Tharoor  presented all his view on British Empire and India and how they do loot in India.

#Britishers came for making India poor and poor.Indians had economical damage at that time.we all knows that Britshers came for the trade but they are ruled over India. Tharoor very clearly says that British is wealthy because of India. Tharoor says there are Mughal rulers in India they also looted India but they spent only in India, while the Britshers sent all to thier country and make India poor and poor. The India which is exporter in the beginning after that they make it importer.
# In India 15 to 20% people died by starvation. He gave example of Bengal family. During the Second World war - 4 million people died because of starvation.
Britishers make money from the poor Indians by various kind of Taxes and make their own country rich, day by day ..
Thank you.....

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Sunday Reading: Talks by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

 This Blog is a part of Sunday Reading task given by teacher to know about the Novelist  Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and we have to discuss three videos given below. 

Here is the Link of the First Video  :-Click Here ! 
In this video she talked about the danger of single story which all have. and all belives the in their single story till they don't  know about the whole literature and world. everone have their own true stories.
 she talked about how was she in her childhood , bright and creative. when she started to write the effect of her reading British story in her writing.she wrote about white people. than she read African writers . but the British stories opened the world of imagination. till this she thought there was no one for this in African literature.

Here is the Link of the second video :-Click Here !

In second video she talks about faminism. she tells some incidents from her life and how others looks at a faminist or faminism. she talks about the quality of man and woman. there is only difference in the body of them. a woman can also do as much things which a man can. we should change our mindset. she talked about raising girls and giving them everything which a boy gets in this patriarchy.

Here is the link of the Third Video :- Click Here !

In third video is on well known term Post truth and truth. we all belives in the truth which was said by some political leaders. we should search truth in order to live life healthy. because if we believe in every word which they say we may lead to the downfall of democracy or an individual one.

Youth festival 2018

Aishwaryam Youth Festival 2018, MKBU

Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University has celebrated the Aishwaryam youth festival of three days 26th, 27th, and 28th October. This whole festival of three days is hosted by Takshashila institute of commerce and Science collage. The whole university was spangling with lights. This festival is for young people. This is not only for watching. This festival let young generation show their talents through various competitions. In which they include every type of talents like writing, singing, dancing, drawing, acting, playing instruments and many things. It includes modern and folk both the theme. I was present in some of the events which here I am trying to look critically towards it.

I have witnessed poetry recitation, one act play, clay modeling, collage making, poster making, painting, cartooning, Rangoli and installation.

Poetry recitation

Judges and Anchor of the event

When it is come to recite the poem which is recently written and nobody has any idea of what the poem is about then recitation is the most important part which performer has to play. We have the competition of self written poetry and recitation. 20 to 25 students have participated in this competition. The subject on which poetry should be written is given on the spot. The subjects are like, story of a pen, song of rain which does not come, feelings of jungle girl, significance of friendship or love, life could may life will be homage and on Diwali. Most of them have wrote on friendship or love and the story of a pen. On Diwali as per my knowledge no one has written.

With this topics I have seen that most of them are using old metaphors like for pen they use sword and pen has seen the best of the best things and worst of the worst things. On friendship also almost all of them are praising their friends and some also has written on love. When everyone has recite their poem one of the judge who came to give their overall feelings has recite her one of poem which was titled as “Shyam Mari Windows Par Kem Na Ave?” and she also has used new metaphors like hang, memory, ram and many more. These new metaphors are missing in the poems.

We can apply the definition which Wordsworth has given that, “ Poetry is spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings… recollected in tranquility.” In this competition also we can see that it is spontaneity which is working the most. Most of them have written in Gujarati language and they also has used high level of Gujarati words. We can not find that they have used the theory o depersonalization by T. S. Eliot. Almost all of them are singing the songs of their own life and experiences. So it is difficult to see the depersonalization in those poems. In some poems we can see the paradox has been used. In the subject like story of a pen they are describing the good and bad written by pen. One thing I have remembered in poem it is said that pen has written novels also and at some where judge of judiciary has broken the nib of pen after giving death to someone. So this is how they are trying to put things in binaries.

As far as recitation is concerned I found only four or five out of 25 who has recited well. Others are having some problems in reciting like they do not make the word feel. Their voice is too law or they are yelling. Some of them are just reading. They don’t make listeners feel the weightage of some words by stressing on it. Every word has been spoken with same loud or law voice. Some of them are good at reciting where after listening we can have the aesthetic delight of art. 

One Act Plays

I have seen three plays and only starting of last play. The participants have 30 minutes to perform their play. The plays which I have seen has names like “Sikka Ni Triji Baju” (Third side of the coin) which has theme of third gender, second one is “Aur Mujhe Fakr Hai” (And I am proud of it) which has theme of nationalism, third one is “Papan Vache Dariyo” (Sea between the lashes) which has theme on the life of a fisherman. Three of them are very well performed. Acting was very good by all the actors. We can feel the catharsis during play.

It seems the plays are following the traditional way of plays in which they have rising action, falling action and happy ending. It is like Aristotle’s Poetics. The play “Sikka Ni Triji Baju” can be view from the perspective of cultural studies as it includes the society and the dilemma and misery of third gender. In the play family even father don’t want his baby who is eunuch. The mother struggles and fight for equal right of the baby and she win. These types of play shows mirror to our society and also gives message to change the stereotypes. The performance was very good.

Second play “Aur Mujhe Fakr Hai” has a theme of nationalism. It also shows terrorism, violence, brain washing, suffering of innocent people, honesty of soldiers and suffering of their families. The fundamentalist ideas of terror group. It also has used the flashback techniques. It focuses on one religion. We can again study it from the angle of cultural studies where it shows nationalism and religion. Though the audience is very enthusiastic after the performance of the play all are hailing the name of country. The audience mostly includes youngsters, and this kind of attraction towards nationalism shows how youngsters can be easily flow in the stream of nationalism.

The third play “Papan Vache Dariyo” has theme on the life of fisherman. This play shows the life of a family of fisherman, who goes for fishing and don’t came back for many years and during that time how the family has suffered and survived. Theme is common but acting was very nice. They made us feel their pain. We can see the glimpses of “Robinson Crusoe” in this play as the ship was broken and the main character has dropped on the island where no one lives and after many years he came back. We can look at this play from the perspective of feminism. As for marry a girl two men are fighting, one who wins will marry the girl. The girl has her own choice but it doesn’t matter front of the male ego. And after marriage her husband was lost so she was also raped by the person who has lost the battle. After that girl has committed suicide. At the end the person who has lost came back home to his father and his son and play happily ends. This play has also used the flashback technique.

The play which I have only seen for first few minutes has done very dull performance. The actors are nog good in dialogue delivery and not in acting also. They don’t announce the name of play in beginning. I have seen first 5 to 7 minutes and we don’t understand what it is about because dialogues are not clearly heard, and it also don’t give any feelings. It was flat. Nothing has felt and nothing has understood in first few minutes. In short the actors are failed to connect the audience.

Clay Modeling

The art was very good. Most of the participants have followed only same themes like making idol of God, nature or persons who are playing instruments. Some are very nice. In modern themes one has made a car other than that we can not find any new or modern theme in it.


In this all are very good work but one which has grab my attention is with hat and boots, which suddenly reminds me of the play “Waiting For Godot” by Samuel Beckett. Though it don’t has that theme as per my interpretation it wants to show the necessary of money that money is the key of every lock.

Other work has themes like equality of all religions, cleanliness, countryside, farming and festivals. These all works are looking very good. They all have created it from newspapers and other useless things. I don’t find any experimental work there they all have followed the same tradition or may be they are bound to themes.


Rangoli is traditionally made from different colors and most of people have made it from colors only. Their theme is also mostly same like they have drown some figure or traditional Rangoli. Though some of them have tried well with other things rather than color. They have used puffed rice, chalks, different grains, rope, water color and clay, flowers, and candle wax. With all these things only few have did something different. One Rangoli has theme of equality of all religions and second one has theme of social media. This is how we cansee some of the different themes in this competition.

Painting/ Collage/ Cartooning/ Poster Making

Here we have some varieties in theme like we have political satire, mobile, social awareness, #MeToo movement, satire on education system, and some modern ideas. One person has drown that people are busy in eating while on the other hand ants are reaching at library. One has drown Shurpankha with mobile accusing that she is also the part of #MeToo movement. In collage almost they have followed traditional themes like nature or some figure. In cartooning we can see political satire that how the price of petrol is increasing and PM is on world tour. There is also a satire on education system that how it is corrupted. On technology we have positive negative and neutral views like some are favoring use of mobile phones others are rejecting it and some has said that it is good and bad both, it is our choice how we use it.  Child abuse and traffic rules was also a theme. These all themes are showing the mirror to the society and it also captures the current moment. With all these things many of them have stick to traditional way and drown festivals or natural world.

Reflective view on post colonial study: Pro. Balaji ranganathan

This blog is a part of our Reflective Learning on a particular guest lectures, where we need to write our views on the learning of Guest lecture.

                  During 14-16 September, 2018, we had three days guest lecture of Dr. Balaji Ranganathan at Department of English, MKBU. In these three days he dealt with the paper of Postcolonialism. 

Three days guest lecture by  Prof.Balaji Ranganathan.sir seems very knowable and beneficial for all of us. We have learnt so many important things about Postcolonial literature by Prof.Balaji Ranganathan.On second day he has discussed about Net-Set in combine class with Sem 1 students. Our Department arrange class of Net-Set because Students aware about Net-Set 

Day-1 - Black Skin, White Mask: Frantz Fanon (1952)

1-Orientalism: Edward Said (1977)
2-A Tempest: Aime Cesaire (1969)

3-Net-Slet: The great Challenge

Imaginary Homelands: Salman Rushdie (1981-91)

On first day we are very happy to see them in front of us. I met him second time . I was very impressed by his language, tone of speak already during our Academic Tour to his university (CUG)  I really  enjoyed his lectures. He mainly deal with the topics related with Post Colonial studdies and gave many example which was related with topic. along with his core area of Post Colonial studies, he took a lecture on NET/SET examinations also, and provide us lots of important information to crack these type of exams.

Balaji sir has given us very useful and appropriate method to prepare for NET/SET.

  • Collect the Database of 5000 Questions
  • Solve all the questions and find your level
  • Found the pattern : Things you know / don't know.
  • Start feeling gaps.
  • Found strong / weak areas.
  • start making database which you don't have / which you not good. 

At last we click group picture so one day we see this images and store in our memory


Reflective view on Edgar Allan poe's short stories: Dr. Jay mehta sir

In our department Dr. Jay mehta as a guest lecturer was invited. In this four day lecture with him we learn many things. He was specially came to deal with Edger Allan Poe' s short stories. But by the time we came to know he was very interested in Gazal , shayri , poems. In this love of poet and art he also created his own poems and shayaries , which was amazing.

He deals with different way of teaching. He taught short stories of Edger poe ' s , which are full with the element of horror, suspence , thriller and Gothic elements. But the way Jaysir deals with it, it  become very interesting. There is no need of further reading of stories.

Jaysir ' s enthusiasm towards subject and teaching is also appreciated. ' He said now the time of take off , now the time of landing , all passengers are ready ... ' such a humorous way of teaching and learning makes lecture more interesting.

In ' The tell- tale heart ' murder of an old man because of awkward eye. It was cold- blooded murder. Split personality of narrator is reflected and revelance of subconscious level .

In ' Black cat ' narrator loves the pets but he becomes made. When he ignored by cat not accept it and killed it. But fear and burden on his soul.

In ' The fall of the house ( usher )  ' usher house has a melancholy view. Roderick boyhood companion of narrator and sister mate tragic death by sickness of house. It evokes feeling of terror , horror and thriller.

 In  ' The cask of Amontillado ' narrator who is Montresor in the story takes revenge to the friend Fortunato who insulted him a lot. Very planned of murder during carnival. Our involvement also in the story.

In ' The Purloined letter ' Story of stolen letter. It is detective story.
In ' The Gold bug ' William legrand get Gold bug , looks like human skull . By cryptography there is a clew of '  treasure ' with bug. But with treasure two skeleton with it also.

Thus poe was far advanced than his time. He creates suspense before the term psycho - thriller.  In his story every words creates effect . Character portration can't imagine by other writers. Thus poe was pioneer in established gothic and horror elements in literature.

At last day special lecture of poems and  poets. Such a amazing lecture. We also fall in love of shayari and gazal , after hearing Jaysir. It was fabulous time and we enjoyed a lot with teaching of sir and also session of poetry. 

At the last we have a session of how to write poetry. On that session he had told us some good writers and poets name to read their works. It is very inspirational lecture.some of the sites and apps and also some youtube channels have suggested by him. So by this 4 days jourmey we have a very fruiteful lessons and also a method of teaching. 

Websites for Gujarati songs and poems
4.Jalso Application
Other Facebook page like…
5. Mirza ghalib in youtube
6. Sahitya acadamy
7. Poem hunter

He haf suggested so many poets and writers whose works are very creativr and different:
Gulzar, befam, ghayal, harish muniya, ramesh parekh, mukul choksi, yesha dadawala, a.k. ramanuj, bhavesh bhatt, mukesh joshi, jalan matri, saumya joshu, harivanshray bacchan, misky, rahat indori, galib, ahmed faraz, mehndi hasan, manoj khandesiya, anil chavda, i.k. vijliwala.

Saturday 24 November 2018

Thinking Activity on T.S Eliot's The Wasteland.

This blog is the part of my classroom activity that is given by teacher. This is the link of teacher,s blog.

1) What are your views on the following image after reading 'The Waste Land'? Do you think that Eliot is regressive as compared to Nietzche's views? or Has Eliot achieved universality of thought by recalling mytho-historical answer to the contemporary malaise?

  • Nietzche talks about Ubermencsh means Superman or Superhuman. according to him, in every decade there is/has been some people came out with strong will power, with more mental ability, more enthusiasm and became great through their revolutionary ideas among the ordinary people.
  • on the other side T.S Eliot talks to look backward into the past because anyhow past is connected with the present time. 'The Wasteland' by Eliot is also tries to compare the myths or past incidents with the contemporary time's issues. 
  • Nietzsche's view point about superhuman and Eliot's theory about looking backward in past both are right on their own. So From my point of view there can not be any comparison take place between them because they both are different in their perspectives.

2) Prior to the speech, Gustaf Hellström of the Swedish Academy made these remarks:
T.S. Eliot and S. Freud
What are your views regarding these comments? Is it true that giving free vent to the repressed 'primitive instinct' lead us to happy and satisfied life? or do you agree with Eliot's view that 'salvation of man lies in the preservation of the cultural tradition'?

Yes, it is truth that giving free vent to the repressed primitive instinct' can lead us to happy and satisfied life, but individually, things and happiness which is satisfying us can harm others and which give pleasure to others can harm us. But as per Eliot views if all follow such culture, tradition and belief in such lifestyle and moralities, a network of understanding can be created human live peacefully.

3) Write about allusions to the Indian thoughts in 'The Waste Land'. (Where, How and Why are the Indian thoughts referred?)

In the last part of the poem 'What the Thunder Said', Eliot takes the reference of Indian myths and spiritual ideologies like 

"Ganga was sunken, and the limps leaves
waited for rain, while the black clouds
gathered far distant, over Himvant
The jungle crouched, humped in silence."\

Then Eliot gives three 'Da'

1)Datta- to give not only charity but giving oneself for some noble cause.

2) Dayadhvam- Sympathies yourself with the sorrows and suffering of others, come out of your isolation and love into others.

3)Damyata- Self control, control over one's passion and desire.

So, according to me Eliot took Indian thoughts in his poem because he believes that peace is in the air of India and India is spiritually high, so it might be the indication of getting the revelation from the sexual perversion and spiritual degradation from the philosophies of India