Saturday 7 April 2018

Thinking Activity on Deconstruction

What do you understand by 'Deconstruction'? 
First of all Deconstruction is really a bit difficult to understand, and one reason is that Derrida does not define the Deconstruction. First of all he asks that question that is it possible to define anything once and for all?  Or at what extent can we define something? So he denies to define  deconstruction.
Derrida’s position is more  philosophical than real. He proves theoretically, not practically.
First of all Deconstruction is not a destructive activity, but it is an inquiry into the foundations of every thing. Deconstructionist critics goes deep into the foundation of text and then they try to subvert , undermine it. Derrida says that every text contains element which  can deconstruct itself.

Read an ad or TV serial or Film or literary text as post-structuralist critic. Be brief, precise and to the point.
Here I would like give an example of advertisements of beauty supplements, as ad always shows us the that one person become fairer skin by using particular skin cream, but is there any real incident where we can find that kind of results? obviously no and though we regularly using such supplements.   

Thinking Activity on Structuralism

Being a structuralist critic, how would you analyse literary text or TV serial or Film? You can select any image or TV serial or film or literary text or advertisement. Apply structuralist method and post your write up on your blog. Give link of that blog-post in the comment section under this blog.

What is Structuralism.
In literary theory, Structuralism is an approach to analyzing the narrative material by examining the underlying invariant structure .There are many Structuralist critics like Ferdinand Saussure, Gerard Genette, Roland Barthes, Claude Levi-Strauss etc. Structuralist critics found basic common structure in every work. As all the human beings  have a same structure from inside, similarly literature has basic structure and it is same everywhere whether it movies, TV serials or advertisement etc.

In my opinion various structures could be find behind particular genres of literature and movies such as love story, revenge story, comedy. 

In any kind of revenge stories either in books or in movies there are different stories, scenario but the structure of that story would always remain same. 


and many more movies in which we can find same structure of revenge that somehow antagonist kill/hurt protagonist's relative and then protagonist take revenge to antagonist.

Love Story

2 states

In India there are many kind of conflict like class conflict between upper class and lower/poor class people, religion conflict, culture conflict and that is what the structure of Indian Bollywood cinema in the genre of love story. there would always one boy/girl belongs to a wealthy family and fall in love with a boy/girl who belongs to a poor family. and other is that the group/culture/conflict of boy and girl remain different, so their relatives oppose this love and story ends either with their Death or their happy marriage life.

Thursday 5 April 2018

Thinking activity on Northrop Frye

What is Archetypal Criticism? What does the archetypal critic do?
Archetypal literary criticism is a type of critical theory that interprets a text by focusing on recurring myths and archetypes in the narrative, symbols, images, and character types in literary work.
Northrop Frye's concept of Archetypal Criticism.
Frye says that fry is try to defined that archetypal literature was to connect conscious and unconscious thinking way of idea of literature. collective unconscious in which all of history of human experience in continued and to which we all have access through our ‘subconscious minds’  
What is Frye trying prove by giving an analogy of ' Physics to Nature' and 'Criticism to Literature'?
Frye has given the idea of Archetypal Criticism in very unique and different way by comparing the human emotions to to the different seasons.
1. Spring
He denotes spring to comedy because comedy is a birth, reveal and recognition for hero and Spring season is also a kind of birth of a new season.
2. Summer
He compare summer to the romance because in summer we can see culmination of life and in romance we can see sort of triumph, usually in the form of marriage.
3. Winter
Winter season denotes satire because of its darkness, like satire winter consider as a dark season for European people.
Autumn season denotes tragedy, as it reflects the dying stage of life, in this season all the leaves of the tree fallen down and tree becomes lifeless.
Share your views of Criticism as an organised body of knowledge. Mention relation of literature with history and philosophy.
According to northrop Frye any kind of literature or work must be analyze on the basis of history, and direct jump to any conclusion us not a fair practice.
Briefly explain inductive method with illustration of Shakespeare's Hamlet's Grave Digger's scene.
In this scene we saw lots of conversation between the diggers, they are even singing and mocking on Ophelia sin, whether she allowed to buried or not. the work of grave diggers becomes general, so they are not worried about death body.
Briefly explain deductive method with reference to an analogy to Music, Painting, rhythm and pattern. Give examples of the outcome of deductive method.
The deductive method of analysis deals with the established meaning of work from the general truth to particular truth. So to explain deductive method of analysis here Frye illustrates Music and Painting and furthermore he also conveys that Music and Painting are general branch of literature while Rhythm is essential in both so
Music: Inductive method
Rhythm: Deductive method
Refer to the Indian seasonal grid (below). If you can, please read small Gujarati or Hindi or English poem from the archetypal approach and apply Indian seasonal grid in the interpretation. 
Kesudani kaliye besi
faganiyo laherayo
Ke ayo faganiyo, ke ayo faganiyo…
Rang bhari pichakari ude
haiye harakh na mayo,  
Ke ayo faganiy, ke ayo faganiyo...