Friday 9 March 2018

Lies, Fiction and Alternative facts.

Lies, Fiction and Alternative Facts.

                       Here I am going to share my views about what is more harmful Lies, Fiction or Alternative Facts? lie and alternative fact can be included in Fiction. because Fiction is an imaginative story that becomes more interesting with the help of lie and alternative facts. 

Lies and Alternative Facts
                        Lie is something that is not true and Alternative fact is something that is also not true but accepted as kind of truth in literature. for example Sun rise in the west is a pure lie but it is possible in literature because literature is just an imagination and in imagination everything can be possible. Both lie and alternative fact are however connected to each other, we can consider them as two sides of one coin. lies are shown in literature very shrewdly in the form of alternative fact, so, for a writer whatever he/she shows to the reader in his/her creation is lies for him/her but for the reader that becomes alternative facts. so we can say that both lies and alternative facts are interwoven to each other.

Example of lies and alternative facts.

                         A good examples of lies and alternative facts are the movies that are based on the real life incidents or someone's real life story and an Autobiography of any person such as films like Bhaag Milkha Bhaag, M. S. Dhoni: The Untold Story, autobiography of Mahatma Gandhi, Nehru's autobiography etc. That kind of films and Autobiography are made as a lie but shown as an alternative facts. 

How Lies and Alternative Facts are harmful?

                          As per my views both is harmful because we don't know that whatever being shown in movies or written in books are whether truth or lie and though we believe it as an alternative facts and by this way billions of people believe in that direction that shown in movie or in an Autobiography without hesitation or fact check. If any movie is based on someone's real life incident, we can not say that it is all true even if it is real life story because there is space for alternative facts in literature that can make us emotionally fool. for example the movie Mangal Pandey there are many changes has been done and many fictional material has been added to the movie to make it interesting.  To see more differences about Mangal Pandey movie and his real life click here. we can also take an example of Azhar movie in which it is shown that he took a bribe but for explore the entire racket of match fixing but as a audience one can not judge even the fictional character of Mohammad Azharuddin then how to know about his real life or about the real incident of bribing. so, even the movie put the audience in the state of confusion that whether they should consider Azharuddin a match fixer or innocent person then how one come to about the reality. Salman Khan's hit and run case is also a kind of alternative fact for the people because if survey would be done on that, majority people will say that Salman Khan was guilty in spite of this fact everyone has to believe or accept Salman Khan as an innocent Man because lies about that case has been shown in the form of alternative fact through the judiciary of India though it is not a literature. I think one movie should be made on Salman Khan's hit and run case and I am sure it will be super hit movie. so, by this way lies are harmful because on the basis of films and Autobiography many people binds a notion about that person or that situation which might be completely opposite then their reality. 

Fiction is a literary form that is based on imaginary events and people that means there is space for imagination, one can describe or show anything that is not possible in reality, it can be possible in fiction. however the Fiction is the representation of lies and alternative facts because whatever comes into the fiction that is not true. As per my views Ramyan, Holy Bible and Quran are all a kind of fiction because people does not know the truth behind that books whether the situation shown in that kind of books were there or not? or the characters shown in this books like Ram, Mohammad, or Jesus were really existed in this world or not? so, by this way we can consider this books and their all characters as a pure imagination.

Which is more harmful? lies and alternatives fact or Fiction?

often it is consider that lies are more harmful than the Fiction but in my point of view Fiction is more harmful than the lies or alternative facts seen in the literature. Lies in literature is something that is produced by someone it means that someone or many people in this world are there/alive/existed who are aware or know the truth about that lie. for example if any director or writer shows the lie or alternative fact in his/her movie or Autobiography that expresses the real incident or story of someone's life, it is obvious that he/she add some lie in that creation because if they will show the whole truth about them then there is always a fear of being happen which has been done with Nawazuddin Siddiqui on presenting the naked truth of his life in his Biography. It does't mean that by showing the lies, it will become truth because there is truth of that lie is hidden in this world somewhere in the form of person/s (Witness), letters, literature, reviews etc. No doubt many people can be lead towards wrong directions about such incidents or about some persons by lie or alternative fact but it is also possible that they can come to know about the reality after some period of time and for that one has to research reexamine the creation to find new aspects of that scenario like New Historicist. so, one can come to know about the truth of particular lies and 'Recognition' can be happen, but in the matter of Fiction there is the expression of pure imagination that is I think beyond the lies and alternative facts. In Fiction even the writer or movie director does not know about the truth whatever he/she showing to the audience and even though they strive hard to prove it right, and audience also believe it as a truth and also applying in their own life. For example the character of Ram, Krishna, Mohammad, or Jesus are not a real characters, they are fictional characters because there is powerful proof or witness about their existence and though people are believing in them firmly and even always ready to die in the name of Ram or Mohammad. so, in Fiction many books and movies becomes 'intermediaries' that affecting/influencing the life of billions of people. so, by this way we can say that Fiction is somehow and at some extent more harmful than the Lies and alternative facts in our literature.